The Charles Leopold Mayer Foundation for the Progress of Humankind (FPH) supports AGTER for the building of a database and resource website on land, water, and natural resource governance and for the promotion of debates on this issue.
The FPH also supported AGTER to :
realize travelling workshops. The first one took place in Mexico in 2008, the second one in the French Alps in 2009.
work with the "Water Program" and its partners on the issue of global governance of water.
contribute to the reflection of its partners on the new Constitution in Ecuador.
Charles Léopold Mayer Fundation
Publications Charles Léopold Mayer
The FPH is the main financial partner of the association.
AGTER belongs to different networks supported by the FPH :
The Sustainable Earth Alliance
The network Dialogues, Proposals, Stories for Global Citizenship
COREDEM. The Confederation of sites for a worldwide democracy