URL : http://www.agter.asso.fr/article1415_fr.html
Newsletter September 2017
The association AGTER runs an international network of people, exchanging and thinking together how to improve the governance of land, water and natural resources.The network selects and makes information available but it also formulates suggestions and alternatives to face the current great challenges. This quaterly newsletter is presenting the latest information available on our website : www.agter.asso.fr.
25 September 2017
by Coline Sauzion
All over the world, small and medium farmers suffer from attacks coming from a series of policies (land policies, agriculture policy, trade policy, economic policy,) which dispossess and marginalize them and finally compel them to drop their activity, sometimes even by force. In Algeria, recent agricultural policies bet on “agriculture without farmers” ; in Madagascar, the government fosters the implementation of mining companies at the expense of rural and peasant populations and their environment ; in Andalusia, the intensive vegetable production model forces peasants to submit to the bank system and to enter the vicious circle of hyper-technologization of their cultures if they want to “survive”, prompting them in turn to exploit a precarious migrant manpower.
In France, the overproduction of standards and the administrative determination that sometimes ensue participate in the current on-going eviction process in the French countryside. In that respect we need to mention the case of Jerome Laronze a farmer of the Saône-et-Loire area, who has been chased by the agricultural administration for many years because he refused to conform to normative veterinary and sanitary injunctions. He fell under gendarmes’ bullets on May 20 2017.
Opposing the increasing ultra-regulation of agriculture, Jerome Laronze refused to conduct his cattle farming in accordance with the many veterinary rules and was therefore not “up to date” in the management of his cattle, so that administrative bodies submitted his farm to regular inspections. That is why the farmer was no more allowed to sell his cattle since 2015 and had been criminally sentenced for “refusing a control and mistreating animals” (See : https://reporterre.net/Un-paysan-a-…). Here, we need to remind that the sanitary and veterinary standards, which continuously increased in the previous decades, are mostly issued by and for agro-industrialists in order to fit the best possible to the production processes in the food industry. As they are not relevant for small and medium farms production processes, those rules penalize and put off peasant farming.
Moreover, those standards, far from limiting sanitary and environmental scandals do not prevent the living on of the productivity system that triggers environment destruction. Unfortunately the administrative pressure applied on Jerome is not an isolated case. In a context where the farmer’s job is increasingly precarious, recurring administrative controls participate in the distress of many farmers – pushing some of them into committing suicide – by stigmatizing and infantilizing them while generating a nagging sense of doing wrong. During the latest control in Jerome’s farm, the public administration agents had arrived accompanied by armed gendarmes. Jerome, surprised, had therefore run away and after ten days on the run, he was shot to death on a path in Sailly locality.
This tragedy must not be handled as a simple anecdote because it clearly shows the terrible vise in which the vast majority of farmers are currently caught in France, and elsewhere : either comply with the agro-industrial model or disappear.
- video
18 September 2017
Retrouvez le programme de la journée ici :
Programme 25 septembre
et l’invitation détaillée ici :
Invitation 25 septembre Participation sur inscription uniquement, avant le 21 septembre, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Contactez (...)
9 September 2017
1 September 2017, by
Collectif TANY
21 August 2017, by
Collectif TANY
Le Collectif TANY, dont la mission consiste à appuyer les citoyens et paysans malgaches dans leur développement et dans la défense de leurs terres et ressources naturelles, a visionné attentivement et avec un grand intérêt votre douzième intervention sur « Le Rendez-vous - Fotoambita », consacrée particulièrement à la Terre et au Foncier.
En premier lieu, nous rappelons que le Collectif TANY tient à ce que toutes les décisions concernant les terres ne doivent ni (...)
5 July 2017, by
Coline Sauzion
Bonne lecture !!!
La rencontre mondiale du Forum Mondial sur l’Accès à la Terre et aux ressources naturelles, FMAT 2016, s’est déroulée durant trois journées de travaux et débats en séances plénières et ateliers du 31 mars au 2 avril 2016, sur le campus de l’Université Polytechnique de Valence en Espagne.
Elle a réuni des représentants des trois catégories de signataires de l’appel FMAT avec une présence majoritaire (...)
27 June 2017, by
Coline Sauzion
27 June 2017, by
Coline Sauzion
Les vidéos suivantes sont disponibles sur la page : http://latelierpaysan.org/Videos-Le…
> Frederick Lemarchand (sociologue, Université de Caen) : Les processus d’innovation et l’injonction au progrès
> Jean Louis Cannelle (paysan, éleveur de comtois, fondateur du CERRTA) : État des lieux et perspectives du matériel (...)
4 July 2017, by
Coline Sauzion
11 September 2017, by
Michel Merlet
11 September 2017, by
Michel Merlet
11 September 2017, by
Michel Merlet
9 September 2017, by
Coline Sauzion
10 September 2017
22 June 2017
For any information : agter@agter.org
45 bis, avenue de la Belle Gabrielle - 94736 NOGENT SUR MARNE CEDEX - FRANCE
Tél. : +33(0)1 43 94 72 74 / +33(0)1 43 94 72 96
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