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puce newsletter december 2015

La lettre d'information du réseau Agter

The association AGTER runs an international network of people, exchanging and thinking together how to improve the governance of land, water and natural resources.The network selects and makes information available but it also formulates suggestions and alternatives to face the current great challenges. This quaterly newsletter is presenting the latest information available on our website : www.agter.asso.fr.

13 December 2015

Editorial december 2015


Agter’s team

In the last few days, reflections on the governance of natural resources and the future of our planet had focused at the international level on the holding of the 21st UN Climate Conference (COP21). The adoption by 195 national delegations of a common text on the path to follow and an agreement to be submitted to states for signature sparked both enthusiasm and many reservations. In an article entitled "The lackluster future" Greenpeace France takes up the expression of G. Monbiot, columnist at the Guardian, which sums up these different perceptions in writing "By comparison to what it could have been, it is a miracle. By comparison to what it should have been, it is a disaster." Is the Paris Climate Agreement the first example, eagerly awaited, of a universal answer suited to solve major environmental and social challenges of our time? While waiting for a more in-depth analysis of the text and the different reactions raised, we fell it is of interest to share our point of view in the light of our previous work.

The Chairman of the COP21 Conference presented the final agreement as a binding one. In reality, proposed measures are not compulsory for states that sign it, as shown in the text with the repeated use of the conditional tense. It appears that states’ commitments are limited to three points:
- Periodically review their ambitions to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, knowing that previous objectives cannot be reduced.
- Periodically publish as accurate as possible an estimation of their actual emissions.
- Participate in a number of mechanisms to follow-up taken measures to reach the common objective of keeping global warming below 2 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial levels.

The agreement recognizes now adaptation to climate change on the same basis of mitigation and the existence of loss and damage associated with it. However, the funding does not translate into numerical targets. In the proposal, only the lower limit of $100 billion contribution to the adaptation of the so-called "developing countries”, planned in 2009, is restated.

Furthermore, experts claim that the currently made national commitments would only limit global warming to 3 degrees. No sanction system on those states that do not complying their commitments has been established or even discussed as a necessity in the near future. States have neither started organizing the pooling of financial means. However, this pooling is necessary to place them on an equal footing to start the essential agroecological energy transition and to gradually stop extracting fossil fuels.

We "would like" to believe in miracles, we "would like" to join Laurence Tubiana in her assessment of the agreement as a "self-fulfilling prophecy", but there is still a long and obstacle-strewn road ahead to avoiding the disaster.

The progress based on global multilateral process, even if it is insufficient, and on exchanges that took place with civil society’s representations, even if their proposals were poorly taken into account and some demonstrations repressed, is still welcome. This approach is a more forward-looking compared to secret negotiations between few States lobbied by multinational companies, as is the case of new trade agreements’ negotiation. Difficulties around the COP21’s process show that the whole system of international governance around the "United Nations" needs to be improved. Simple improvements made at the margin would not be sufficient to guarantee the collective future of humanity.

Even though states shall perform vital functions, we should, nonetheless, stop expecting from political representatives to make the right decisions. All around the world grass-roots movements working in climate issue seem to be aware of the necessity to join their forces to have states stop defending solely their own interests. It is necessary to establish clear common rules to put an end to exclusion, poverty and to defend our planet against threats that could make it unsuitable for life. Thus, it is necessary to have truly binding rules, protected by supranational judges making binding judicial decisions for states and corporations. As is shown in international trade and investment laws and transnational investment, it is possible. How not to see this as a major and urgent challenge?

Deadlines specified in the Paris agreement might be insufficient to avoid the irreversibility of the process. Mechanisms behind our suicidal behavior on development and the pursuit of profit at all costs are continuing to grow with the excluding and devastating appropriation of natural resources. Since the adoption of the Space Act by the US Congress, at the same time as the holding of the Paris Conference, space resources are now targeted.

AGTER has not worked directly on climate issue, but the association has been involved for 10 years in the fight against land grabbing and the protection of rights to land and resources for their users, peasants, pastoral nomads, fisherfolks and forest communities. These actors have a vital part to play in the fight against global warming.
Large farms contribute most to global warming. At the opposite small farmers and breeders, fisherfolks and indigenous people have a history in participating to he sustainable management of natural resources, which goes hand-in-hand with carbon sequestration in soil, forest and oceans.

Their knowledge and practices will be indispensable to implement, all around the world, necessary changes in our lifestyles. There will be no significant progress against climate change on the sole basis of "technological progress" and "capacity strengthening". Yet, these two are at the heart of the proposals contained in the Paris agreement. Growth, consumption and profit lead us to a global collapse. We need to change both development paradigm and global governance arrangements.

These goals are similar to those of the Global Forum on Access to Land and Natural Resources WFAL, 2016 (31 March, 1 and 2 April, in Valencia, Spain). More than 400 peasant and civil society organizations, nine governmental institutions and over 500 people all around the world are calling to participate in it. It is a question of elaborating proposals and alliances to start stopping processes of land concentration and dispossession of rural and forest populations. These processes are also, such as global warming, a global threat to humanity.






La formalisation des droits sur la terre dans les pays du Sud. Dépasser les controverses et alimenter les stratégies

12 December 2015, by
Philippe Lavigne Delville, Aurore Mansion

La structure sociale agraire en Andalousie : un processus historique de concentration de la terre et de prolétarisation des paysans

9 December 2015, by
Coline Sauzion

RT#44 : Rencontre avec l’Alliance Mésoaméricaine des Peuples et des Forêts (AMPB)

9 December 2015, by
Coline Sauzion

En appui à la délégation de l’Alliance Mésoaméricaine des Peuples et des Forêts (AMPB) présente à Paris dans le cadre de la COP21, AGTER a organisé mardi 8 décembre une réunion thématique sur le thème :

Réunion AMPB

Une vidéo de cette rencontre sera prochainement mise en ligne !

Initiative « 4 pour 1000 » : soyons vigilants ! - Note de la CCD et de la C2A (octobre 2015)

1 December 2015, by
Coordination Sud

Alors que les sols font traditionnellement figure de grands absents des politiques publiques, ils suscitent un intérêt croissant ces derniers mois. La FAO (Organisation des Nations unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture) a décidé de proclamer 2015 comme étant l’année internationale des sols, et ils sont aujourd’hui au centre d’une initiative lancée par la France et combinant deux thématiques à l’actualité majeure : l’agriculture et le climat. Le secteur agricole est l’un des principaux secteurs (...)

COP21 : Les objectifs du développement durable ne pourront être atteints sans limiter le réchauffement climatique en dessous de 1,5°C

1 December 2015, by
Coordination Sud

Du 30 novembre au 11 décembre 2015, l’ensemble des parties à la Convention cadre des Nations unies sur les changements climatiques (CCNUCC) négocieront un accord universel et contraignant qui entrera en vigueur à partir de 2020. Coordination SUD et ses membres attendent des États des engagements ambitieux, en cohérence avec les recommandations du GIEC. Elle appelle à des décisions induisant des transformations profondes, désormais indispensables, de notre modèle économique. Alors que ces mêmes États (...)

COP21 : rien n’est joué, enclenchons la transition pour un monde à moins de +1,5°C !

1 December 2015, by
Coordination Sud

A trois jours de la COP21, Coordination SUD et le Réseau Climat & Développement (RC&D) envoient un signal fort aux négociateurs. Bien que tout ne s’y joue pas, le résultat de la Conférence Paris Climat 2015 contribuera à dessiner l’avenir de la planète. Les ONG de solidarité internationale, françaises et africaines1, appellent les États à relever leur ambition pour un accord contraignant qui permettra de limiter le réchauffement climatique à +1,5°C2.

Pour Coordination SUD, le Réseau Climat (...)

Agricultures familiales et paysannes et lutte contre les changements climatiques : Ouvrons les yeux ! Recommandations de la commission Climat et développement pour la COP21

1 December 2015, by
Coordination Sud

Conférence de Paris sur les changements climatiques (COP21). Appui à la mobilisation des peuples indigènes.

29 November 2015, by

La délégation de l’Alliance Mésoaméricaine des Peuples et des Forêts (AMPB) qui va participer à la COP21 est arrivée à Paris. L’équipe d’AGTER lui souhaite la bienvenue et l’appuiera dans son travail durant son séjour en France.

Nous informerons prochainement des différentes activités que l’AMPB organisera avec des organisations indigènes d’autres régions du monde, de l’Amazonie, du bassin du Congo, d’Indonésie, (...)

Conferencia de Paris sobre cambios climaticos (COP21). Apoyo a la movilización de los pueblos indígenos.

30 November 2015, by

Llegó en Paris la delegación de la Alianza Mesoamericana de Pueblos y Bosques (AMPB) que va a participar en la COP 21. El equipo de AGTER le da la bienvenida y la apoyará en su trabajo durante su estancia en Francia.

Les informaremos proximamente sobre las diferentes actividades organizadas por la AMPB con otras organizaciones indígenas de diversas regiones del mundo, de Amazonia, de Congo o de (...)

Documental video : "ZEDEs, Neocolonialismo y acaparamientos de tierras en Honduras"

18 November 2015, by
Coline Sauzion

Les invitamos a mirar este interesante documental que trata del impacto de las Zonas de Empleo y Desarrollo Economico (ZEDEs) sobre el acceso a la tierra en Honduras.

Hemos de precisar que las experiencias de ZEDEs en Honduras se inspiran del concepto de « charter city » (ciudad charter o ciudad modela) desarrollado por el economista estadounidense Paul Romer. Segun este ultimo, las normas estatales desaniman a los inversores impidiendoles desarrollar plenamente sus actividades económicas. (...)

Descubrir el resumen video realizado por Carta Maior sobre el Foro Mundial sobre la Reforma Agraria de 2004

18 November 2015, by
Coline Sauzion

Formalising land rights in developing countries : Moving from past controversies to future strategies

12 December 2015, by
Philippe Lavigne Delville, Aurore Mansion

The neoliberal agricultural modernization model: A fundamental cause for large-scale land acquisition and counter land reform policies in the Mekong region

8 December 2015, by
Jean-Christophe Diépart, Christian Castellanet

The ‘4 per 1000’ initiative : caution ! CCD and C2A note - October 2015

1 December 2015, by
Coordination Sud

After traditionally being conspicuous by its absence from public policy, the soil has been drawing increasing interest in recent months. The FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) decided to proclaim 2015 International Year of the Soils, and soil has taken up center stage in an initiative launched by France, around two highly topical themes: agriculture and the climate. Agriculture is one of the main sectors responsible for climate change but is also strongly affected by its impacts. With (...)

COP21 : Sustainable development goals unattainable unless global warming is kept below 1,5°C

1 December 2015, by
Coordination Sud

From november 30 to december 11, 2015, the States Party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will negotiate a binding, universal agreement that will enter into force in 2020. Coordination SUD and its members expect the States to make ambitious commitments compliant with IPCC recommendations and will be calling for decisions that bring about vital, in-depth transformations to our economic model. At the end of September, these States adopted the Agenda for (...)

Paris Conference on Climate change (COP21). Supporting indigenous peoples mobilization.

30 November 2015, by

Mesoamerican Alliance of Peoples and Forests delegation arrived in Paris to take part in COP21. AGTER’s team welcomes it and will support its work during its stay in France.

We will shortly give you more details about various activities the AMPB will organize with other indigenous organizations from diferent parts of the world, from Amazonia, Congo or Indonesia…

For any information : agter@agter.org
45 bis, avenue de la Belle Gabrielle - 94736 NOGENT SUR MARNE CEDEX - FRANCE
Tél. : +33(0)1 43 94 72 74 / +33(0)1 43 94 72 96

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AGTER. Dirección: 45 bis, avenue de la Belle Gabrielle, 94736 NOGENT SUR MARNE CEDEX, FRANCE

Teléfono: +33(0)1 43 94 72 59 / +33(0)1 43 94 72 96
E-mail: agter@agter.org   Fuentes RSS Fuentes RSS
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