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Inscription au bulletin d'information AGTER en 3 langues

  • FR EN ES


puce Welcome

The 21st century presents [*considerable planetary challenges*] for mankind as far as [*the management of living beings, waters, and lands*] are concerned. Since these things concern all of us, we cannot put the entire responsibility of deciding which path to follow on scientists and politicians alone.

Thousands of books, articles, films, and internet sources are currently available. Paradoxically, intellectual production has never been so - abundantly one-sided. It is difficult to find well-adapted responses : [*we lack the devices for disseminating remarkably diverse human experiences, and we need to improve the quality of our collective thinking*]..

AGTER, an association comprised of persons and organizations on different continents, proposes to contribute by

- [*Disseminating the largest number of quality informative documents*] in order to facilitate [*the creation of alternative policies for the management of land, water, and natural resources*]. AGTER will develop a document database, and its prototype will be on-line shortly.

- [*Constructing permanent spaces for discussion and reflection among different peoples and cultures*] with the goal of animating this process and reinvigorating our collective thinking

AGTER is a NETWORK of persons. You can contribute to the work we started.


- Work as volunteer with the association, wherever you live.

- Send us brief brief article proposals in English, French, Spanish or Portuguese.

- Translate articles or documents.

This website, available in [*English*], [*French*], and [*Spanish*], has [*two purposes*] :

1. [*Make AGTER association, its members, its vision, and its activities known*].

- The headers, The AGTER Vision, Who are we ?, The Collective Thinking Studies, AGTER’s Thematic Meetings and Other AGTER’s activities, allow you to get to know our association. You can get there through the menu to the left, as well as under the headers, website news and network news.

2. [*Make analytical texts and documents*] related to AGTER’s work or the work of its members electronically available.

- The [*thematic entries*], land, water, and living beings are available by clicking [*the buttons on the top of the page*] as well as though the menu.

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Living beings

- In the menu to the left, you will find a selection of [*documents and resources*] on small farming and food security, tools for governance improvement, participatory mapping and a list of websites

You can use two different tools to explore our website

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Moteur de recherche
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Plan du site

Click the [* ?*] button to see legal information concerning the documents published electronically on this site. Click the other buttons to do a search of the site, to see the site map, to generate a printable version of an article, to contact AGTER, and to switch languages.

Interested persons are invited to contact AGTER and subscribe to our RSS news feed.


AGTER. Adresse : 45 bis, avenue de la Belle Gabrielle, 94736 NOGENT SUR MARNE CEDEX, FRANCE

Téléphone : +33(0)1 43 94 72 59 / +33(0)1 43 94 72 96
E-mail : agter@agter.org   Flux RSS Flux RSS
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