We are pleased to announce the opening of the Forum of Struggles for Land and Natural Resources!
This new space for global exchanges concretizes a dynamic of citizen action that took shape on the occasion of the World Forum on Access to Land WFAL2016 organized at the initiative of AGTER and CERAI.
The farmer organizations co-organizing the WFAL(CONTAG COPROFAM, ROPPA, Ekta Parishad) were recently joined by the Global Convergence of Struggles for Land, Water and Peasant Seeds in West Africa, the European and Central & West African components of La Via Campesina, the Peasant Confederation and the Tany collective, with the aim of organizing, together with AGTER and CERAI, a citizen’s forum to bring together experiences and proposals for action in the face of government inaction regarding the concentration of land rights.
We hope, together, to contribute to the citizen mobilization that we know is necessary to favor and protect politically and legally the uses of land and resources as "commons" in the equality between women and men.
Excerpts from the presentation available on the Forum of struggles for land and natural resources website :
"Our farmer organisations and associations for the defence of the commons have come together to open a new space for global exchange: the Forum of Struggles for Land and Natural Resources.
Its objective? To help broaden citizens’ alliances, from the rural world to the cities, in order to obtain the national and international regulations that are essential to protect and support rural, fishing, and forest communities and their use of resources, in the face of land grabbers.
The expansion of agribusiness and extractivist companies in general, as well as that of urban infrastructure, leads to the plundering or appropriation of the best lands, forests, rivers and seas, and destroys the most sustainable forms of agriculture, animal breeding, agro-forestry and fishing. It makes the social groups that implement them more and more precarious: families and rural communities, and above all women, and it obscures the future of young people.

Governments are not taking the necessary measures.
We must not give up! Let’s bring together our experiences and proposals to act for a lively world!"

We strongly invite you to join us on the forum website to take part in the debates that will take place in the coming months around five themes:
Women and youth access to land, Landlessness and the Commons, Community governance of land, Agrarian reform, From local struggles to building effective regulations at the supranational level
For more information and to register, visit the forum website !
