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puce Members and honorary members

AGTER’s members

Physical people or institutions can be members of AGTER.

Six people who participated in the network’s preparatory activities and in the establishment of the association are AGTER’s honorary members. They contributed or contribute actively to the development and thinking of the association.

Honorary members

- Mr Vicent Garces, Spanish. V. Garces worked in the Chilean Ministry of Agriculture during Salvador Allende’s government.

He coordinated the International Committee of the World Forum on Food Sovereignty (Havana, Cuba, 2001). He was the main facilitator and the coordinator of the World Forum on Agrarian Reform (Valencia, December 2004), and facilitator of the World Social Forum’s workshop on food sovereignty and access to natural resources.

Mr. Garces worked as a professor at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. He was a city Councillor in Valencia (Spain), a Deputy in the Autonomous Parliament of the Community of Valencia and then an European Councillor. He has been part of the board of CERAI.

Vicent Garces is an honorary member of AGTER since the creation of the association in 2005.

- Mr Jacques Chonchol, Chilean. J. Chonchol was vice-president of INDAP (Instituto de Desarrollo Agropecuario) and one of the people who worked with Eduardo Frei to establish the Chilean agrarian reform. At that time, Eduardo Frei was Minister of Agriculture in Salvador Allende’s government.

Mr Chonchol has often worked as an expert for FAO. He was manager of the Institute of High Studies on Latin America in Paris, and was emeritus professor of the Sorbonne.

Today he manages the doctoral programme in Latin American Society Studies at ARCIS University (Chile).

Jacques Chonchol is an honorary member of AGTER since the creation of the association in 2005.

- Mr Marcel Mazoyer, French. M. Mazoyer is the son of a small French farmer. He succeeded professor René Dumont as professor of Comparative Agricultural Studies and Agricultural Development Studies’ Chair at the National Agronomic Institute of Paris Grignon.

He has, among others responsibilities, managed the Department of Rural Economy and Sociology at INRA, and presided over FAO’s Programes Committee.

He is today emeritus professor at Ina-PG, professor at the University of Paris XI, vice-president of the French Association of the FAO, and vice-president of the Assocation “Alliés contre la faim” (Together Against Hunger).

Marcel Mazoyer is an honorary member of AGTER since the creation of the association in 2005.

Sr. David Kaimowitz (USA). Currently, David Kaimowitz is Consultant, Indigenous Peoples, Afro descendants, and Sustainable Natural Resource Management, of FAO, Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations and Senior Advisor of CLUA, Climate and Land Use Alliance.

Former Director, Natural Resources and Climate Change, Ford Foundation. Former Director General, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Bogor, Indonesia.

Previously: Project Leader, Inter-American Institute for Cooperation in Agriculture (IICA), San Jose, Costa Rica; Research Fellow, International Service for National Agricultural Research (ISNAR), The Hague, Netherlands; Economist, Center for Research and Study on Agrarian Reform (CIERA), Managua, Nicaragua. .

It specializes in policies that affect forests, with emphasis on deforestation, land and forest tenure, community and indigenous forest management, and decentralization.

David Kaimowitz has a PhD in agricultural economics from the University of Wisconsin - Madison (USA). He is the author or co-author of more than one hundred scientific publications.

Honorary member of AGTER (2020).

- Mr Alain Ruellan (1931-2012), French. Emeritus Professor of Soil Sciences (AgroCampus Rennes). Mr Ruellan directed important Research Centres and Universities (ORSTOM from 1982 to 1987, CNEARC from 1989 to 1996, the Environment Programme of CNRS from 1990 to 1994). He teached and made research works on the links between research and development, on soil morphology and the relationships between pedological systems and agrarian systems and elaborated pedagogical material for soil science education. Mr Ruellan worked with international societies of Soil Science and was honorary member of the International Union of Soil Science (IUSS). M. Ruellan carried out studies in 45 countries, and knows well Brazil, Morocco and Senegal. He has always articulated his work with associative and political activities and commitments. He received numerous distinctions and decorations in very diverse countries, France, Brasil, Ivory Coast and South Korea.

- Mr Dao the Tuan, Vietnamese (1931-2011). Professor and agricultural sciences academician of the USSR, Mr Dao The Tuan holds the Order of Agricultural Merit of the French Republic. Mr Dao The Tuan worked for more than 40 years for the agricultural development of his country.

He directed the Institute of Agronomic Sciences of Vietnam, and in 2005 received the highest scientific distinction of his country (the Ho Chi Minh prize) for his work in the Red Stream Programme. Dao The Tuan has been one of the main defenders of family farming during the last few years and has promoted a real change in the agricultural politics – one that enabled very fast development of Vietnamese agricultural production. Mr Dao The Tuan died on 19 January 2011 in Hanoi.

Institutional members

The association has two institutional members, CERAI (Centro de Estudios Rurales y de Agricultura Internacional - Spain) since 2005 and Terre de liens (France) since 2014.

For further information, visit the following websites :



Individual members

In August 2018, the association had 124 members from 31 different countries in Europe, America, Asia and Africa.

AGTER’s members come from a variety of professional backgrounds and have different experience and training. There are academics as well as representatives of unions or farmer or fishermen’s organisations, experts, members of non-governmental organisations, and civil servants of national or international public institutions.


AGTER. Addres: 45 bis, avenue de la Belle Gabrielle, 94736 NOGENT SUR MARNE CEDEX, FRANCE

Telephone: +33(0)1 43 94 72 59 / +33(0)1 43 94 72 96
E-mail: agter@agter.org   RSS feeds RSS feeds
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