The side event “Sharing knowledge and experiences to promote a more equitable women’s access to land” took place on the 3rd of November 2006, during the Committee on World Food Security, at the FAO Headquarters.
It aimed at the promotion of the database as an important tool for spreading knowledge about land issues. It focused on the gender dimension in two countries: Mozambique and Guatemala.
The purpose of database is to spread information on land to a wide range of beneficiaries and contribute to moving the issue of access to land forward to the global agenda by raising public awareness on the importance of land tenure for rural development and poverty reduction. aims at providing basic useful information for decision-making regarding numerous countries. A first prototype of the database is already accessible online (closed in 2010). Only few countries are documented, and the database will be improved subsequently. At the beginning, information was gathered thanks to the support of several entities (FAO, International Land Coalition, Action Aid) within the framework of the BELTS project (Basic Elements of Land Tenure Systems). It was launched during a meeting held in Brussels on 22 February 2006 in the presence of the European Commission and FAO officers, and the website was officially presented at the International Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (ICARRD), held in Porto Alegre 7-10 March 2006.
The network is an informal consortium composed by various non governmental organizations, which have expressed their interest and noted the importance of starting a systematic collection of information on land tenure. This consortium, composed by CERAI Spain (Centro de Estudios Rurales y de Agricultura Internacional), ActionAid International, AGTER (Association pour l’Amélioration de la Gouvernance de la Terre, de l’Eau et des Ressources Naturelles), COPROFAM (Coordinadora de Organizaciones de Productores Familiares del MERCOSUR) organized this side event, with the technical collaboration of FAO’s Rural Development Division (SDA).
The long-term objective of the network is to expand the database geographically and promote new research areas in order to become an information tool for the knowledge of land issues and for the monitoring and the evaluation of access to land. Thus, it will actively participate in rural development and poor livelihood support.
Vicent Garces (CERAI), Francisco Sarmento (Action Aid) and Paolo Groppo (FAO) introduced the idea of the initiative. Adelina Sila (Action Aid) offered an overview of the website. Patricia Castillo, (Fundación Guillermo Toriello, Guatemala, and member of AGTER) and Rita João Rezuane (UNAC, Mozambique) presented the two case studies. Alejandra Scampini presented the ICARRD Declaration and Women’s Rights to Land. Michel Merlet (AGTER) moderated the debate.