The leaders of peasants and women’s organizations, NGOs, technicians, civil servants, decision-makers and donors who work on rural development issues in Africa need resources to guide their actions in the realm of land policy. The project to produce educational resources proposes a series of short texts, written in accessible and easy to understand language. The goal is to share information and knowledge on a large scale, but also to clarify discussions between a variety of users and to allow them to better define their respective positions regarding land issues.
This initiative was developed by the Hub Rural, aGter, the LandNet West Africa, the GRAF and the ROPPA. It was financed by the AFD (Agence Française de Développement), through the French Co-Operation’s technical committee "Land and Development (Foncier et Développement)."
The dossier includes 17 documents, which are available in both French and English. We have decided to organize them according to 3 major themes.
A. The Nature of Rights and Legal Claimants
- Conceptual Documents
- Examples from Africa
- Examples from other Continents
B. Policies Promoting Rights Recognition and Security
- Conceptual Documents
- Point/Counterpoint : Alternatives from other Continents
C. Confronting Change : Resources for Analyzing and Implementing Land Policies
- Conceptual Documents
- Decentralization or Local Management : A Few Examples
Our intention is to continuously expand and enhance the dossier as the network’s work on this topic progresses.
Translation : Jesse Rafert